







まことの喜びは、全ての信仰者への、神様のたまものですが、多くのクリスチャンにはそれが欠けているように見えます。どうしてそうなのでしょう? 神様が喜びをくださらないのでしょうか? いいえ。





I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am”[Phil. 4:11]

True joy is God's gift to every believer. Yet many Christians seem to lack it. How can that be? Did God failed them? No.

 Two of the most common joy-thieves are dissatisfaction and ingratitude. Both are by-products of the health, wealth and prosperity mentality of our day. That teaching has produced a generation of Christians who are more dissatisfied than ever because of their demands and expectations are higher than ever.

 They've lost their perspective on God's sovereignty and have therefore lost the ability to give thanks in all things.

Don't be victimized by the spirit of our age. See God's blessing for what they are, and continually praise Him for His goodness. In doing so you will guard your heart from dissatisfaction and ingratitude. More important, you will bring joy to the One who is worth of all praise.

Adapted from : Drawing Near, John F. MacArthur, Jr.

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【Ⅰコリント13:2 また、たとい私が預言の賜物を持っており、またあらゆる奥義とあらゆる知識とに通じ、また、山を動かすほどの完全な信仰を持っていても、愛がないなら、何の値うちもありません。






あなたの動機はなんですか? どうぞ心に銘記してください。あなたがどんなたまものを持っていようと、どんなに雄弁であろうと、何を知っており、何を信じていようと、愛がないなら、それは全く無意味なのだということを。”愛”だけが、あなたがキリストに仕える業を“有効”にするのです。




If I have all faith, so as to remove Mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing “ (1 Cor. 13:2)

The gift of faith is the ability to believe that God will act accordingly to His will, no matter the circumstances. People with that gift are prayer warriors and tend to stand as rocks when others around them are falling apart. They see God's power and purposes at work, and they trust Him even when others doubt.

But, says Paul, even if you have such faith, if you don't have love, you are nothing. That's a harsh rebuke, but it places the emphasis where it belongs - on our motives.

What motivates you? Remember, without love it doesn't matter what gifts you have, how eloquent your speech is, what you know, or what you believe. Only love can validate your service to Christ.

Adapted from: Drawing Near, by John F MacArthur, Jr

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