



Prayer may not be easy for you. I struggle with it too. There are days where I'm focused on everything, but praying. But I'm always reminded that God wants us to long for an authentic friendship with Himself. A friendship requires vulnerability and conversation.



(ヨハネ 15:7) 「あなたがたがわたしにとどまり、わたしのことばがあなたがたにとどまるなら、何でもあなたがたのほしいものを求めなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたのためにそれがかなえられます。」

Think of prayer as conversation. You speak to God in prayer; then you listen attentively as He speaks to you as you read your Bible. I love what Jesus said,

Jesus said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7).




Prayer is not like having a cosmic genie in a bottle and then rubbing the bottle by faith, hoping the genie will pop out and grant your elaborate wishes.

Prayer is not getting God to do what you want. However, prayer is lining up your heart, will, and thoughts with what God wants. Prayer is lining up with God’s will.


神様のみ心は何かを、あなたはどうやって知りますか? 神様にとどまり、神様を信頼し、神様に従うことによってです。



And how do you know what His will is? By abiding in and trusting and obeying God. Take a step in faith, speak to God, and watch how much things will change - if not around you, inside of you.

-Rashawn Copeland

(All 1-4 by I’m so blessed daily)