
―我らが大祭司 イエス・キリスト―


旧約聖書における祭司たちの役割を理解することは、あがないにおけるキリストの役割を理解することを可能にするので、とても大切です。祭司は、聖さにおける神と、汚れにおける人間との間の仲保者でした。現代において(訳者補訳)、神の聖さは変わったでしょうか? 人間の罪深さは減少したでしょうか? そんなことはありません! だから(訳者補訳)“仲立ち”の必要性は、今日も同じように存在しますが、その方法は違います。それは、もはや地上の祭司の務めによってなされることはありません。私たちには、イスラエルの祭司がそうしたように、自分自身のためにあがないをする必要のない偉大な大祭司がおられます。私たちの大祭司は、罪なきイエス・キリストです。






(ヘブル 4:16) 「ですから、私たちは、あわれみを受け、また恵みをいただいて、おりにかなった助けを受けるために、大胆に恵みの御座に近づこうではありませんか。」

(ヘブル 8:12) 「なぜなら、わたしは彼らの不義にあわれみをかけ、もはや、彼らの罪を思い出さないからである。」

(絵の十字架上の掲示文字)The Sins of the World「世界の罪」(=人間の全ての罪が、キリストに釘づけにされた)

~デニス・F・キンロー 「この日、主と共に」より

(シェア マデレン・ワー)

It is essential for us to understand the role of the priests in the Old Testament because it will enable us to understand Christ's role in our redemption. The priests were the mediators between God in his holiness and human beings in their unholiness. Has God's holiness changed? Has the sinfulness of people decreased? Hardly! The same need for mediation exists today, but it is met in a different way. It is no longer met through the ministry of earthly priests. We have a great High Priest who does not need to make atonement for himself as the priests of Israel did. Our High Priest is the sinless Christ Jesus.

A second thing to be learned about the priestly role is that God is not to be approached lightly. In Old Testament times God placed barriers between the people and himself in order to protect the people. Only members of a special tribe could minister in the house of worship, and only members of one family from that tribe could offer sacrifices. Further, only a single member of that family could come into the presence of God behind the veil in the Holy of Holies, and he could go there only once a year. The priest had to make atonement for his own sins before he made atonement for the people. If he did not, the penalty was death.

The holiness of our God remains pure and powerful, but we no longer approach him through an earthly and sinful priest. We have access to the Father through Jesus, who in his death rent the veil of the temple and made access for all persons to come boldly to God. But we do not come alone. We come through Jesus, so our boldness is not presumption. It is based on the atoning work of Christ. In the institution of the priesthood we see a picture of what Christ came to do. He did away with the Old Testament priesthood, but the ministry and reality of that priesthood he took upon himself and performs for us even today.

So "approach the throne of grace with confidence" through Christ (Hebrews 4:16).

from This Day with the Master, by Dennis F. Kinlaw