



(Ⅱサムエル22:2,3) 「この歌のことばを主に歌った。彼はこう歌った。『主はわが巌、わがとりで、わが救い主、わが身を避けるわが岩なる神。わが盾、わが救いの角、わがやぐら。私を暴虐から救う私の救い主、私の逃げ場。』」
















かくも近き主のみそばで、私の思いは新たにされ、私の心は主の喜びで溢れ出す。主のみ霊に満たされて、私は、隠れ家と希望の必要な人々に、主のあわれみ深い愛を知らせる備えができている。どうしたら私は、彼らを我が“やぐら”にお連れすることができるだろうか? どうしたら、私の地上の歩みが、私を通して彼らが“やぐら”を見るのを助けることができるだろうか? 主がきっと教えてくださる!






(シェア・写真撮影 マデレン・ワー)


My High Tower

Seeing the World from His perspective

“The Lord is... my High Tower and my Refuge.”

📖 2 Samuel 22:2-3

My strong Tower rises high above the ground, offering an entirely new view of earth and its people. Its lofty shelter offers me peace and safety in the midst of all kinds of struggles. Whether I stand at the top or hide within His impenetrable walls, the troubles and turmoil of the world cannot reach me.

Jesus is that unshakable Tower. My Lord has raised me up and seated me with Him in the heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6) There He shares with me the perspective and the safety of His heights. In the wonderful peace of His presence, I can rest while He shows me His majestic view of the world and the people He loves.From His high

vantage point everything looks new and different. The Goliaths — the overwhelming giants below, which looked so terrible at ground level - seem tiny from up here. Why did I fear them so?

Through His eyes I see the people I love, those who hurt and reject me, those who misunderstand those I cannot understand.... They look different from up here — smaller, more fragile.... I see God’s hand on them - His personal path for each, His chosen

struggles to teach dependence on Him.... I see loneliness and pain in those who had seemed so happy and composed.

In the calm and safety of my High Tower, I can turn all my worries over to Him. He is my strength and my defense. No need to fear when He is near. Instead I simply listen and learn without stress or distractions. When I delight in Him, My King smiles to me. He always has new things to share.

He reminds me that,

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress;

My God, in Him I will trust.'"

Psalm 91:1-2

In His nearness,my mind is renewed and my heart overflows with His joy. Filled with His Spirit,I’m ready to let His compassionate love reach out to others who need a refuge and hope. How can I bring them to my Tower? How can my walk on earth help others see the Tower through me? I trust Him to show me!

Precious Lord,let me rest in the heights with you every moment, even as I live and work in this fallen world. Be to me “a tower of deliverance” from all the enemies of your kingdom - fear, anger, anything that is out of harmony with your life in me. Let me see all people and things, not from my own limited earthly perspective, but from your high vantage point. Then, by your grace, I can lead

others to your safety and strength.

Thank You, my Lord, my Strength and my High Tower.


from: Crossroad

(シェア・写真撮影 マデレン・ワー)