



~J.C. ライル~

(Ⅱコリント 6:2) 「神は言われます。『わたしは、恵みの時にあなたに答え、救いの日にあなたを助けた。』 確かに、今は恵みの時、今は救いの日です。」

No Repentance in the Grave

The Bible teaches plainly that what we are when we die, whether converted or unconverted, whether believers or unbelievers, whether godly or ungodly, so shall we rise again when the last trumpet sounds.

There is no repentance in the grave: there is no conversion after the last breath is drawn. Now is the time to believe in Christ, and to lay hold of eternal life.”

J.C. Ryle



(マタイ 16:24,25)「だれでもわたしについて来たいと思うなら、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を負い、そしてわたしについて来なさい。いのちを救おうと思う者はそれを失い、わたしのためにいのちを失う者は、それを見いだすのです。」




"If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it..."

-[Matthew 16:24,25]

This passage strikes a death blow to the current trend in much of contemporary Christianity toward self-centered consumption. Many people wish to identify themselves with Christianity only for what they can get out of it. They view Jesus as a utilitarian genie - fulfilling every whim.

-John MacArthur (Winning By Lossing)

" FOLLOW ME." - Christ Luke 9-23






Sin entices. Deceives. Thrills. Defiles. Ensnares. Kills. Damns. But Jesus convicts. Regenerates. Indwells. Liberates. Sanctifies. Secures. Glorifies

Steven Lawson