
1.《神がしてくださったこと: 贖い》




God has done astonishing and costly things to draw us near.

I can never express that thought better than by using those oft-repeated words: it seemed as if Hell were put into His cup; He seized it, and, 'At one tremendous draught of love, He drank damnation dry.'"

(Therefore,) The route origin of how to love our enemies is to experience being

loved as an enemy of God.


2.《神が求められること: 忠節》


(出エジプト 34:14) 「あなたはほかの神を拝んではならないからである。その名がねたみである主は、ねたむ神であるから。」

Since God is infinitely jealous for the honor of His name, anything and anybody who threatens the good of His faithful wife will be opposed with divine omnipotence. God’s jealousy is a great threat to those who play the harlot and sell their heart to the world and make a cuckold out of God. But His jealousy is a great comfort to those who keep their covenant vows and become strangers and exiles

in the world.

"You shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God" (Ex. 34:14).


3. 《神の驚くべき恵み》




God is not the God of some grace—like bygone grace. He is the God of “all grace”—including the infinite, inexhaustible store of future grace.

Is there anything more freeing, more thrilling, or more strengthening than the truth that God Almighty is your refuge-all day, every day, in all the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of life?

Sometimes we need to be reminded by God Himself that there are no limits to His rule. We need His own reminder that He is never helpless, never frustrated, never at a loss.






If I were in prison and Jesus walked into my cell and said, ‘Leave this place tonight’, I might be stunned, but if I trusted His goodness and power, I would feel a rush of hope that freedom is possible.

God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.

If prayer seems to you a diversion from productivity, remember God does me in five seconds than we can five hours.




The high noon of God’s glory will be the second coming of Christ. And that is where the sun will stay forever.


~ジョン・パイパー John Piper~