◆福音のチカラ: 失われた者への神の愛◆

【テキスト】 ルカの福音書15:1-10

(ルカ15:7) 「あなたがたに言いますが、それと同じように、ひとりの罪人が悔い改めるなら、悔い改める必要のない九十九人の正しい人にまさる喜びが天にあるのです。」








“There will be more joy in heaven ove one sinner who repents than

ove ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.”

There is a void inside all of us that needs to be filed up. No one

and nothing can fill that up except the One who created us with that void. To admit being a sinner is actually a grace, for it means that one is in touch with that interior void and can open up to the action of God through his Son. Instead, the illusion of being “holy” that is, of being whole and complete, is a denial of tha interior void. The ironic twist in today’s Gospel cannot be missed. The tax collectors and sinners draw close to Jesus because they recognize in him the

One who can fill up their interior void. Istead, the Pharisees and scribes complain about Jesus’ table-fellowship with sinners because they are blind to the fact that they themselves are sinners. Even a single repentant sinner causes heaven to rejoice, for in that person the mission of God’s Son is fulfilled.


Lord Jesus, correct our vison when we too easily identify the flaws of others and do not recognize our own. _Amen.