




I am really afraid that one day, we as Christians will open our eyes and realize that our blind love and support for Zionism have destroyed many lives. Just like before Nazi’s came to power,

Christians and churches followed the social and political hysteria of their time which resulted to the systematic killing of many Jews., today we are supporting a system, a political belief called Zionism, which is not biblical, not Jesus-driven. Many Christians worship Zionism, and this blind love silences every person who criticizes it. As Christians, we should be “peace-makers” between Palestinians and Jews, for Jesus said: “blessed are the peace-makers, for they will be called children of God.” In times like this, we need prophets

like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, Mica who constructively called Israel to come back to justice.

If my massage frustrates my Zionist friends, or if my words make you agitated, no worries—feel free to block me. But be assured that I am not anti-Israel, but my love and heart for Israel makes me speak openly. I love Palestine and I love Israel and my dream is that they will live together in peace, but this peace will never be achieved either by Zionism nor by Hezbollah

or radicals. (Samuel C. Lee)