◆私 独身ですが、それが何か?◆               《女性カウンセラーの語る独身の恵み》




— 幼少時代の心の傷の癒やし

— 過去の“傷心”の記憶からの回復

— 結婚すれば与えられることへの希望にひそむ先入観念はないか

— 自尊心(自分の価値を認める心)の涵養と、どこでそれを見いだすか

— 経済的自由を手にするためのゴールを設定する

— 孤独感、不安感、時には嫉妬心のような感情とどう向き合うか





Just Because I’m Single Doesn’t Mean You Have to “Fix Me”

Counseling singles as they desire marriage and prepare their hearts for

marriage is an area of counseling I have a heart for. Singleness is more than a

season of looking for love, it's a time to mature, to grow, and to serve

others. Seeking counsel as a single is one of the wisest steps you could ever


Singles counseling addresses:

-Healing from childhood wounds

-Mending from past heartbreaks

-Preconceived ideas of what you

hope marriage will provide

-Self worth and where you find


-Setting goals to obtain financial


-Coping with feelings of

loneliness, insecurity, and yes even jealousy.


Give yourself, and your future spouse the best gift by investing in

this season of singleness to grow into the person you desire to be. Singleness

doesn't have to be something we "fix," but rather something we

embrace and invest in!

-Christina Milazzo Socha, Mental Health Counselor