





The story of human pain and

suffering is so universal, it is not bound to culture, color of skin, religion

or a geographical setting. Therefore, one suffering can not be placed above

another suffering because of its cultural, geographical or religious settings.

Whether Hiroshima or Seoul, whether Jerusalem or Bethlehem, whether a Muslim

mother who lost her child because of cancer or an atheist who lost his brother

in a bomb attack in Paris, or a Syrian refugee with a full bagage of sorrow and

trauma landed at shores of Mediterranean Sea, whether a Baha’i who is being

systematically discriminated, or a LGBT who is being hated by religious

fundamentalists, yes I can go on and on—� no

suffering should be placed above another suffering.

Human pain and suffering is so

universal, and thus it demands a universal, transcultural, trans-religious

unconditional love to grasp, feel, touch and eventually heal its wounds.

Samuel Lee