

牧師として、またリーダーとして、私たちは“全体主義政党”を率いているのではないことを自覚しなければなりません! 実際のところ、私たちは、(この世の人々にとっては)“指導する者”と見なされているのではなく、“仕える者”と見なされているのです。


Sometimes when I look at church

leaders and ministers, (and I emphasize on "sometimes"--so not to

generalize), they seem to me as if they are leading a totalitarian political

party, where their members are being controlled, manipulated and brainwashed.

Those they are leading are strongly under their control, they are being judged

even for a little Facebook post. As pastors and leaders, we have to realize we

are not leading a totalitarian political party! Actually, we are not even

supposed to lead (in a worldly sense), we are supposed to serve.

--Samuel Lee