




It is so unfortunate that some Christians cannot be open with each other: they fear to tell each other what they really think or feel. In most cases when people share their hearts, afterward the attitudes change, gossips circulate, and the avoiding begins.

What saddens me even more is that when you are ill, or you go through a period of turmoil, you don't even dare to share it with your brothers and sisters; because those who claim to be super-spiritual dig into things to find reason for your suffering; some suggests that you have sinned, some accuse you of not having paid your tithes, or you did not pray harder and did not fast enough. The worst thing is that they won’t tell you in your face, but gossip behind you. I wonder if such relationships are healthy and real. Sometimes I think people who are not religious are more honest with each other than those who claim to believe in Jesus Christ.
–Samuel Lee