


キリスト教や他の国の福音化ということを考えた場合、“成功”とはどのようなことだろうか? 数か、影響力か? 量か、質か? もちろん理論的には、両方が大切であろう。信仰者としては、クリスチャンが多数を占め、キリスト教知識や影響力が深い社会を歓迎する。だが我々は、今日に至るまで、本当にそのいずれも併せ持つ国家は見たことがないことを、誰もが知っている。












Christianity in Japan, Small But Deep!

Japan with less than 1.5% Christians has a centuries-long history of engagement with Christianity. I personally believe that Christianity has penetrated the Japanese consciousness more deeply than many of that Western people might think. If this were not so, Japan would not have had so many Christian novelists, writers whose books are read widely — by both Christians and non-Christians. Japanese Christianity may indeed have greater depths than we in the west might think.

What is success when it comes to Christianity and evangelizing other nations? Numbers, or influence? Quantity or quality? Of course theoretically we all go for both. As Christians we prefer a society with a Christian majority and deep Christian knowledge and influence. We all know that until today we have not seen a nation who have genuinely achieved both.

Unfortunately, global Christianity have become thoroughly commercialized, and success in mission work has been reduced to announcing church membership figures and the numbers of converts. Commercialized Christianity in the poor countries have produced elite pastors who own private jets and preach in fully packed stadiums, living luxurious lives, sometimes even much more extravagant than artists and movie stars, while average population in their countries are suffering from various forms of poverty. Certainly, Christianity is growing in those parts of the world — at least numerically. At the same time in these same parts of the world, poverty, corruption, crime, and all kinds of other forms of societal malaise are also expanding. In fact, the majority of the nations which were formerly colonized and Christianized by the west are still struggling economically and politically.

If we look at growth merely in terms of numbers, large buildings, and multitudes attending open air conferences, we can say that Christianity has not been particularly successful in Japan. However, how small Japanese Christianity looks in our eyes, I can say that it is deep. Christianity in Japan has produced for the world, especially for the Christian world, great personalities like Kanzo Uchimura (1861– 1930), Masahisa Uemura (1861–1925), Shusaku Endo (1923– 1996), Danjo Ebina (1866–1937), Yasuo Furuya (1926–), Kosuke Koyama (1929–2009), Kazoh Kitamori (1916–1998), Toyohiko Kagawa (1888-1960) and many more Christian thinkers and writers. Christian musicians and painters, impacted and are still impacting the world. I remember last year Masaaki Suzuki a Japanese Christian classical musician was awarded honorary doctorate at Kampen Theological University in the Netherlands.  Japanese pastors, ministers, Christian musicians and singers have learned to minister regardless the size of their crowds. They preach and sing for small crowds and yet they remain faithful and humble.

Japanese Christianity in all her smallness, has contributed to art, education, and philosophy; many universities in Japan have their roots in Christianity; gender equality and labor rights movements trace some of their roots to it as well.  Christianity in Japan is a Christianity of silence, it is not a big show, it is not vast or great but it is deep. I consider the combination of Japan and Christianity to be a tremendous gift to humanity as a whole and to the universal church in particular.

Please pray for our Japanese brothers and sisters and let us also learn from them and be inspired by them. Let us also pray that Christianity will number-wise grow as well.