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I am dreaming of a Revolution of Love within Christianity.


I am dreaming of a revolution, rather than a reformation, a revolution of love, where boundaries, diversities, denominational differences and theological disputations will not separate us from the love that is given to us through the example of Jesus Christ.


I am dreaming of a revolution of Love, a revolution that will give us the power to disagree with each other and yet be ready to risk our lives for one another—simply because of love.


I am dreaming of a revolution where I can say: I do not follow a religion, but Jesus. The Jesus of love and compassion, of simplicity, of justice and righteousness, the Jesus who cried for the suffering and rejoiced with those who celebrated life.


In my more than two decades of serving Jesus, I have come to the conclusion that Divine Justice is “the translation of grace which God offered us through Jesus Christ on the Cross, that while we are sinners, He offered us grace”. Now, I have to translate the very same grace and love towards my fellow human beings regardless who they are. In Christ, Justice is grace put into action!


In the Kingdom of God, let us no more dispute about our divisions but celebrate our diversity. I hope that the revolution I am speaking of today will break the barriers of such divisions.


I am dreaming of revolution of hearts, where love will manifest and grace will triumph. This revolution begins within our hearts. 




Will you join me…?