



それでもなお、あなたは、「私の罪は、大きすぎて赦されない」と言われるか? いや、だが、ああそう言うあなた、天が地よりも高いように、神のあわれみはあなたの罪よりも大きく、その点で神の恵みはあなたの思うところを超えているのだ。




There are no such things as sins recorded against Gods people. Christ has so taken them away, that sin becomes a nonentity to Christians- it is all gone, and through Jesus blood they are clean.


Still do you say, “My sins are too great to be forgiven.” Nay, but O man, as high as the heaven is above the earth, so great is his mercy above thy sins, and so far does his grace exceed thy thoughts.