



ルターはサタンに言った。「私の罪のカタログを持ってきなさい。」 サタンは黒くて長い巻物1巻を持ってきた。「これだけか?」とルターが言う。「いや」と言ったサタンは、また別の巻物を持ってくる。「さて、では…」とこの英雄的神の聖徒は言い、こう続けた。「巻物の終わりにこう記しなさい。『み子イエス・キリストの血が、全ての罪から聖めてくださる。』 これをもって、この罪状書きは全て無効となるのだ」と。




He has a book in which all your debts are written; but with the blood of Christ he crosses out the handwriting of ordinances which is there written against you. The bond is destroyed, and he will not demand payment for it again. The devil will sometimes insinuate to the contrary, as he did to Martin Luther. “Bring me the catalogue of my sins,” said Luther; and he brought a scroll black and long. “Is that all?” said Luther. “No,” said the devil; and he brought yet another. “And now,” said the heroic saint of God, “write at the foot of the scroll: “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from all sin.” That is a full discharge.”