

“恨み”は霊的生活における“毒”です。”恨み”の文字どおりの意味は、 過去への感情という意味で、“再び感じる”ということです。強調点は、過去にしがみつくこと、過去のことを繰り返しくどくど言うために、まるで泥沼に陥った状態になることです。










"Resentment is the poison of the spiritual life. The word means literally, feeling again, in the sense of feeling backward: the emphasis is on a clinging to the past, a harping on it that becomes mired in it.


Resentment goes over and over an old injury: revisiting the hurt, the powerlessness, the rage, the fear, the feeling of being wronged. Scraping the scab off the wound, resentment relishes anew its pain; it is the particular kind of memory that reinforces the vision of self-as-victim."


 ~Ernest Kurtz