








もちろん値段も法外に高いものでしたが、心配ご無用! 来会者全員に、無制限のクレジット払いが提供されたのです。サタンは、商品を呼び売りしながら、大声で叫んでいました。「さぁ持ち帰ってお使いください。お代は後日払いで結構ですよ!」






(アーティスト) エドワード・ウィリアムズ




(Ⅰヨハネ 4:4 「子どもたちよ。あなたがたは神から出た者です。そして彼らに勝ったのです。あなたがたのうちにおられる方が、この世のうちにいる、あの者よりも力があるからです。」


(黙示録 20:10 「そして、彼らを惑わした悪魔は火と硫黄との池に投げ込まれた。そこは獣も、にせ預言者もいる所で、彼らは永遠に昼も夜も苦しみを受ける。」




"Satan's Garage Sale"


Once upon a time, Satan was having a garage sale.


 There, standing in little groups were all of his bright, shiny trinkets. Here were tools that make it easy to tear others down for use as stepping stones. And over there were some lenses for magnifying ones own importance, which, if you looked through them the other way, you could also use to belittle others, or even one’s self.


Against the wall was the usual assortment of gardening implements guaranteed to help your pride grow by leaps and bounds: the rake of scorn, the shovel of jealousy for digging a pit for your neighbor, the tools of gossip and backbiting, of selfishness and apathy. All of these were pleasing to the eye and came complete with fabulous promises and guarantees of prosperity.


Prices, of course, were steep; but not to worry! Free credit was extended to one and all. “Take it home, use it, and you won’t have to pay until later!” old Satan cried, as he hawked his wares.


The visitor, as he browsed, noticed two well worn, non-descript tools standing in one corner. Not being nearly as tempting as the other items, he found it curious that these two tools had price tags higher than any other. When he asked why, Satan just laughed and said, “Well, that’s because I use them so much. If they weren’t so plain looking, people might see them for what they were.” Satan pointed to the two tools, saying, “You see, that one’s Doubt and that one’s Discouragement — and those will work when nothing else will.”


~ written by: unknown to me


 Artist: Edward Williams


1 John 4:4 ~ "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."




 "Satan's days are numbered...by God", and satan will be no more.


 Rev. 20:10