






【解説】 キリストによって、“王の王なるお方の子”とされた者の、“聖なる矜持(きょうじ)”、ここに極まれりとも言うべき一文ですね。でも、これは聖書から読み解く真実です。どんなこの世の艱難の中にあっても、私たちもまた、この主を誇り、“王家の一族”として生きましょう。


The poorest woman or man on earth, loving Christ, is of a royal line. Give a man the grace of God in his heart, and his ancestry is noble.

A monarch generally commands respect. Ah! beloved, we think that wordly princes are the most honourable of the earth, but if you were to ask God, he would reply, “my saints, in whom I delight, these are the honourable ones.”

Jesus, our Lord, is to be King of all the earth, and rule all nations in a glorious spiritual, or personal reign. The saints, as being kings in Christ, have a right to the whole world.