










 “最強の魂”が踏み歩いていくのは、このように待ち構える人生の道です。そして、自らが選び取った人生の中で、繰り返し繰り返し試みられるのが、この“最強の魂”です。楽で努力の要らない人生などありません! 彼らが尊敬に値するのは、彼らがそれでもなお、前に向かって進むからです!


Out of suffering have emerged the strongest ssouls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.


Being strong means going through the worst of times but still never losing hope,being left alone at time but still rising up for those in need,never surrendering to the circumstances but taking them head on,being sure that difficulties in life are conquerable if they are solved with the right attitude...It's these challenging paths of Life on which tread the strongest souls...And it's these strongest souls that are tested again and again in the Life they chose...Nothing in Life comes easy or effortless !The respect they deserve is because they keep going forward nevertheless !! —via writing is a soul food.